Epic Magic Armor

Table: Armor and Shields
d% Enhancement Bonus Market Price
  1. Roll also on nonepic magic item Table: Shield Special Abilities.
  2. Roll also on nonepic magic item Table: Armor Special Abilities.
  3. Roll on Table: Specific Epic Magic Armor and Shields.
  4. Roll on Table: Armor Special Abilities or Table: Shield Special Abilities.
  5. Roll on Table: Epic Armor and Shields.
01 +1 shield1 +1,000 gp
02 +1 armor2 +1,000 gp
03 +2 shield1 +4,000 gp
04 +2 armor2 +4,000 gp
05-06 +3 shield1 +9,000 gp
07-08 +3 armor2 +9,000 gp
09-12 +4 shield1 +16,000 gp
13-16 +4 armor2 +16,000 gp
17-21 +5 shield1 +25,000 gp
22-26 +5 armor2 +25,000 gp
27-30 +6 shield +360,000 gp
31-34 +6 armor +360,000 gp
35-38 +7 shield +490,000 gp
39-42 +7 armor +490,000 gp
43-45 +8 shield +640,000 gp
46-48 +8 armor +640,000 gp
49-50 +9 shield +810,000 gp
51-52 +9 armor +810,000 gp
53-54 +10 shield +1,000,000 gp
55-56 +10 armor +1,000,000 gp
57-62 Specific armor or shield3
63-75 Armor with special ability and roll again4
76-98 Shield with special ability and roll again4
99 Epic shield5
100 Epic armor5
Table: Epic Armor and Shields
d% Enhancement Bonus Market Price
  1. This is cumulative if rolled multiple times.
  2. For enhancement bonuses higher than +20, the market price modifier is equal to the square of the bonus ×10,000 gp.
01-21 +11 +1,210,000 gp
22-39 +12 +1,440,000 gp
40-54 +13 +1,690,000 gp
55-66 +14 +1,960,000 gp
67-76 +15 +2,250,000 gp
77-84 +16 +2,560,000 gp
85-90 +17 +2,890,000 gp
91-94 +18 +3,240,000 gp
95-97 +19 +3,610,000 gp
98-99 +20 +4,000,000 gp
100 Roll again and add +10 to bonus1 2
Table: Random Armor Type
d% Armor Armor Cost1

All magic armor is masterwork armor (with an armor check penalty 1 lower than normal).

  1. Add to enhancement bonus on Table: Epic Armor and Shields to determine total market price.
  2. Roll d% to determine material: 01-70 steel; 71-90 mithral; 91-99 adamantine; 100 other. Adjust price accordingly.
01 Padded +155 gp
02 Leather +160 gp
03-12 Hide +165 gp
13-27 Studded leather +175 gp
28-42 Chain shirt2 +250 gp
43 Scale mail2 +200 gp
44 Chainmail2 +300 gp
45-57 Breastplate2 +350 gp
58 Splint mail2 +350 gp
59 Banded mail2 +400 gp
60 Half-plate2 +750 gp
61-100 Full plate2 +1,650 gp
Table: Random Shield Type
d% Shield Shield Cost1

All magic shields are masterwork shields (with an armor check penalty 1 lower than normal).

  1. Add to enhancement bonus on Table: Epic Armor and Shields to determine total market price.
  2. Roll d% to determine material: 01-70 wood; 71-99 dark-wood; 100 other. Adjust price accordingly.
  3. Roll d% to determine material: 01-70 steel; 71-90 mithral; 91-99 adamantine; 100 other. Adjust price accordingly.
01-10 Buckler +165 gp
11-15 Shield, light wooden2 +153 gp
16-20 Shield, light steel3 +159 gp
21-30 Shield, heavy wooden2 +157 gp
31-95 Shield, heavy steel3 +170 gp
96-100 Shield, tower2 +180 gp
Table: Armor Special Abilities
d% Special Ability Market Price
  1. Add to enhancement bonus on Table: Epic Armor and Shields to determine total market price.
  2. If a special ability is rolled twice, only one counts. If two versions of the same special ability are rolled, use the better.
01-06 Great invulnerability (10/magic) +4 bonus
07-11 Great invulnerability (15/magic) +5 bonus
12-19 Negating +5 bonus
20-26 Acid warding +6 bonus
27-33 Cold warding +6 bonus
34-40 Fire warding +6 bonus
41-44 Great invulnerability (5/epic) +6 bonus
45-50 Great spell resistance (SR 21) +6 bonus
51-57 Lightning warding +6 bonus
58-64 Sonic warding +6 bonus
65-67 Great invulnerability (10/epic) +7 bonus
68-72 Great spell resistance (SR 23) +7 bonus
73-76 Great spell resistance (SR 25) +8 bonus
77-79 Great spell resistance (SR 27) +9 bonus
80-87 Roll on nonepic magic item Table: Armor Special Abilities, then roll again on this table.
88-95 Roll twice on nonepic magic item Table: Armor Special Abilities.
96-100 Roll twice again2
Table: Shield Special Abilities
d% Shield Special Ability Market Price
  1. Add to enhancement bonus on Table: Epic Armor and Shields to determine total market price.
  2. If you roll a special ability twice, only one counts. If you roll two versions of the same special ability, use the better.
01-06 Great invulnerability (10/magic) +4 bonus
07-12 Great invulnerability (15/magic) +5 bonus
13-19 Acid warding +6 bonus
20-26 Cold warding +6 bonus
27-33 Fire warding +6 bonus
34-37 Great invulnerability (5/epic) +6 bonus
38-43 Great spell resistance (SR 21) +6 bonus
44-46 Infinite arrow deflection +6 bonus
47-53 Lightning warding +6 bonus
54-60 Sonic warding +6 bonus
61-63 Great invulnerability (10/epic) +7 bonus
64-68 Great spell resistance (SR 23) +7 bonus
69-71 Exceptional arrow deflection +8 bonus
72-75 Great spell resistance (SR 25) +8 bonus
76-78 Great spell resistance (SR 27) +9 bonus
79 Great reflection +10 bonus
80-87 Roll on nonepic magic item Table: Shield Special Abilities, then roll again on this table.
88-95 Roll twice on nonepic magic item Table: Shield Special Abilities.
96-100 Roll twice again2

Except when otherwise stated, epic magic armor and shields follow the rules for nonepic magic armor and shields.

There is no limit to the enhancement bonus of epic magic armor or shields, to the market price modifier of epic magic armor or shield special abilities, or to the total enhancement bonus and market price modifier of epic magic armor or shields.

Epic Armor And Shield Base Price

To find the base price of an epic suit of magic armor or an epic magic shield, roll on Table: Armor and Shields. Note that the +6 to +10 rows apply only to armor and shields that provide an enhancement bonus of +6 to +10 or armor and shields with a single special ability whose market price modifier is +6 to +10. Magic armor and shields with a total effective bonus of +6 to +10 but that have an enhancement bonus of +5 or less and special abilities whose individual market price modifiers are +5 or less use the table for nonepic magic armor to determine price.

Epic Armor And Shield Special Ability Descriptions

Most magic armor and shields only have enhancement bonuses. Such items can also have special abilities, such as those detailed below and nonepic abilities. Armor or a shield with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus.

Acid Warding

The armor absorbs the first 50 points of acid damage per round that the wearer would normally take (similar to the resist energy spell).

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from energy; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Cold Warding

The armor absorbs the first 50 points of cold damage per round that the wearer would normally take (similar to the resist energy spell).

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from energy; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Exceptional Arrow Deflection

This shield functions like a shield of arrow deflection except that it can deflect any type of ranged attack (including spells that require a ranged touch attack) as if it were an arrow. Any time the bearer would normally be struck by a ranged attack, he or she can make a Reflex saving throw (DC 20). If the ranged attack has an enhancement bonus (or a spell level), the DC increases by that amount. If he or she succeeds, the shield deflects the attack. The bearer must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn’t count as an action.

Caster Level: 23rd; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, shield, wall of force; Market Price: +8 bonus.

Fire Warding

The armor absorbs the first 50 points of fire damage per round that the wearer would normally take (similar to the resist energy spell).

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from energy; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Great Invulnerability

This suit of armor or shield grants the wearer damage reduction. The damage reduction can be 10/magic, 15/magic, 5/epic, or 10/epic, depending on the armor.

Caster Level: 19th (10/magic), 20th (15/magic), 21st (5/epic), 22nd (10/epic); Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, stoneskin, wish, or miracle; Market Price:+4 bonus (10/magic),+5 bonus (15/magic),+6 bonus (5/epic),+7 bonus (10/epic).

Great Reflection

Any time its bearer of this shield is targeted with a spell, it automatically reflects the spell back at the caster (as the spell turning spell). The wearer can lower or raise this effect as a free action (thus allowing beneficial spells in as desired).

Caster Level: 25th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, spell turning; Market Price: +10 bonus.

Great Spell Resistance

This suit of armor or shield grants the wearer spell resistance. The spell resistance can be 21, 23, 25, or 27, depending on the armor.

Caster Level: 21st (SR 21), 22nd (SR 23), 23rd (SR 25), 24th (SR 27); Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, spell resistance; Market Price: +6 bonus (SR 21), +7 bonus (SR 23), +8 bonus (SR 25), +9 bonus (SR 27).

Infinite Arrow Deflection

This shield functions like a shield of arrow deflection, though it can deflect any number of projectiles or thrown weapons each round. Any time the bearer would normally be struck by a ranged weapon, he or she can make a Reflex saving throw (DC 20). If the ranged weapon has an enhancement bonus, the DC increases by that amount. If he or she succeeds, the shield deflects the weapon. The bearer must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged weapon doesn’t count as an action. Exceptional ranged weapons, such as boulders hurled by giants or ranged spells, can’t be deflected.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from arrows, shield; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Lightning Warding

The armor absorbs the first 50 points of lightning damage per round that the wearer would normally take (similar to the resist energy spell).

Caster Level: 21st; Prereq-uisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from energy; Market Price: +6 bonus.


Immediately after the wearer of this armor is hit with a magic weapon, the armor casts greater dispel magic on the weapon. (In the case of projectile weapons, the armor casts greater dispel magic on the weapon that fired the projectile if it is in range. If it is out of range, the armor does nothing.) No weapon can be affected by the armor more than once per day (regardless of the success of the dispel check).

Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, greater dispel magic; Market Price: +5 bonus.

Sonic Warding

The armor absorbs the first 50 points of sonic damage per round that the wearer would normally take (similar to the resist energy spell).

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from energy; Market Price: +6 bonus.

Table: Specific Epic Magic Armor and Shields
d% Specific Armor or Shield Market Price
01-20 Shapeshifter’s armor 400,165 gp
21-40 Warlord’s breastplate 416,200 gp
41-57 Dragonskin armor 564,550 gp
58-71 Armor of the celestial battalion 616,300 gp
72-82 Armor of the abyssal horde 768,260 gp
83-93 Antimagic armor 871,500 gp
94-100 Bulwark of the great dragon 1,612,980 gp

Specific Armors And Shields

Antimagic Armor

This +1 negating full plate armor of invulnerability is crafted of adamantine (and thus has damage reduction 3/-). The armor provides a -5 penalty on dispel checks made against it or its wearer.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, greater dispel magic, stoneskin, wish or miracle; Market Price: 871,500 gp; Cost to Create: 436,500 gp + 18,700 XP.

Armor of the Abyssal Horde

This+6 full plate armor’s clawed gauntlets are effectively +4 keen weapons (1d10/19-20) that afflict the target as if she had been struck by an energy drain spell (Fortitude negates DC 23). The armor bestows two negative levels on any nonevil creature wearing it. These negative levels persist as long as the armor is worn and disappear when the armor is removed. The negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the armor is worn.

Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be evil, energy drain; Market Price: 768,260 gp; Cost to Create: 385,260 gp + 17,660 XP.

Armor of the Celestial Battalion

This+7 chainmail is so fine and light that it can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence. It has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +10, no armor check penalty, and an arcane spell failure chance of 10%. It is considered light armor, and it allows the wearer to fly at will (as the fly spell). Furthermore, the wearer is at all times surrounded by a magic circle against evil effect (as the spell) which, if dispelled, can be created again as a free action.

Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be good, magic circle against evil; Market Price: 616,300 gp; Cost to Create: 308,300 gp + 16,160 XP.

Bulwark of the Great Dragon

This +6 heavy shield bears the image of a dragon’s head. Three times per day, the bearer of the shield can command it to belch forth a breath weapon of the appropriate type. The range of this breath weapon is 80 feet (if a line) or 40 feet (if a cone). Regardless of the type, the breath weapon deals 20d6 points of damage. In addition, the shield provides the bearer with resistance 50 to the energy type that matches its breath weapon. To determine what type of dragon shield is found, roll d% and consult the following table:

d% Color Breath
01-10 Black Line of acid
11-20 Blue Line of lightning
21-30 Brass Line of fire
31-40 Bronze Line of lightning
41-50 Copper Line of acid
51-60 Gold Cone of fire
61-70 Green Cone of corrosive (acid) gas
71-80 Red Cone of fire
81-90 Silver Cone of cold
91-100 White Cone of cold

Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from energy; Market Price: 1,612,970 gp; Cost to Create: 806,570 gp + 26,128 XP.

Dragonskin Armor

This+5 full plate armor is crafted from the hide of a great wyrm dragon. At the wearer’s command, the armor sprouts enormous dragon wings, allowing the wearer to fly at a speed of 90 feet (clumsy) for a total of 4 hours each day. The armor also grants immunity to a specific type of energy, based on the color of dragon that supplied the armor. Roll d% on the following table to determine the color and immunity.

d% Color Immunity
01-10 Black Acid
11-20 Blue Lightning
21-30 Brass Fire
31-40 Bronze Lightning
41-50 Copper Acid
51-60 Gold Fire
61-70 Green Acid
71-80 Red Fire
81-90 Silver Cold
91-100 White Cold

The wearer of the armor takes a -4 circumstance penalty on Diplomacy checks with dragons, but gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks against dragons.

Caster Level: 24th; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, protection from energy, shapechange; Market Price: 564,550 gp; Cost to Create: 283,250 gp + 15,629 XP.

Shapeshifter’s Armor

This suit of +6 hide armor grants its full Armor Class bonus regardless of any form the wearer takes (with polymorph, shapechange, wild shape, or similar abilities).

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, shapechange or wild shape ability; Market Price: 400,165 gp; Cost to Create: 200,165 gp + 14,000 XP.

Warlord’s Breastplate

This +6 mithral breastplate has an armor check penalty of -1, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +5, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor and weighs 15 pounds. It grants the wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma and allows the wearer to attract and lead a number of followers as if he or she had the Leadership feat (though this power doesn’t allow the wearer to attract a cohort). If the wearer already has the Leadership feat, this armor has no cumulative effect on his or her followers.

Caster Level: 21st; Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, charm monster, sympathy; Market Price: 416,200 gp; Cost to Create: 210,200 gp + 14,120 XP.