d20 Encounter Calculator

#1 CR2
Party & Individual XP
#3 ECL4 XP5
Encounter Level, Difficulty & Treasure
Party Level6:
Encounter Level7:
% of total9:
Treasure Value10:
Encounter Distance
If encountered in Spot checks start at
  1. Choose the number of monsters (or traps) encountered.
  2. Select the challenge rating (CR) of the monsters (or traps).
  3. Choose the number of player characters involved in the encounter.
  4. Select the effective character level (ECL) of the characters.
  5. This field indicates the appropriate experience point (XP) award for characters who overcome this encounter. See page 36 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for details.
  6. This is the average ECL of a four-member party of characters. The party level for a group of fewer than four characters will be lower than the average ECL. The party level for a group of more than four characters will be higher than the average ECL. See Challenge Ratings and Encounter Levels on page 48 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
  7. This is the encounter level (EL) of an encounter comprised of the monsters selected. See "Challenge Ratings and Encounter Levels" on page 48 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
  8. This indicates the relative difficulty of the encounter. See "Difficulty" on page 49 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for details.
  9. This is how many encounters of the indicated difficulty an adventure should have. See "Difficulty" on page 49 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for details.
  10. This is the average treasure value of this encounter.

Derived from versions by John Dells, Tiera Starr, and Arcady